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    Understanding Root Canal Therapy

    Dr D with ScopeHaving root canal therapy completed can help to salvage any of your teeth that have decayed or diseased inner pulp. This is the soft core that is inside of your tooth’s root canal. Additionally, this inner pulp is what holds the connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves that help to repair and nourish your teeth. This means that any injury or disease that affects the pulp, which can be the result of trauma or cavities, can cause serious damage to the entire tooth.

    If this affected tooth is not treated, then a root canal that is diseased may abscess and then cause an infection around the jawbone and tooth, which will require the entire tooth to be removed. If you are facing these issues, then endondontic care will be a smart and viable option for treatment. This can help to preserve the affected tooth or teeth in the early stages of any decay, since an endondontist will be able to remove the pulp that is diseased, while preserving the exterior structure of the tooth.

    Any patient that is currently suffering from tooth swelling, pain or sensitivity, may benefit greatly from root canal treatment.

    Benefits Offered by Root Canal Treatment

    There are a number of different benefits offered by root canal treatment. With endodontic care, the need to remove the tooth will be completely avoided. This means that patients will be able to keep all of their natural teeth and avoid the need for any type of dental bridge or dental implant. The root canal procedure will also help to protect the jawbone, gums and teeth from being invaded by infection.

    This will ensure that your health will remain great and that your teeth will look and function as they should even as you get older.

    Get our opinion BEFORE tooth extraction and dental implant. 

    We may be able to save your real tooth!

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